
Today I Will Fail Better Workout

Don't you want these abs this summer?

Hi Philosophers,

A friend of my mom's has a personal mantra that she uses when practicing yoga.  She repeats this phrase when she is trying to hold a pose for a few extra seconds, when it is the hardest and her muscles are about to fail her. 

"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better."
-Samuel Beckett

I love this quote because it speaks the truth.  When you are improving yourself and fighting demons, when you are digging deep within yourself for that few extra seconds or that last bit of willpower, you must have dogged determination.  You must refuse defeat.  You must dig your heels in, grit your teeth and see it to the end, no matter how many times you fail in the mean time.  

I, personally, expect to fail whenever I try something new.  Whenever I have attempted something worthwhile, I have always failed a few times before getting it right and succeeding.  And even then, I have always found ways to improve upon my success.  I fail better.  And then my success becomes greater.  And it continues.  It is a beautiful thing to watch something grow.  

Take this lesson into your workouts.  Push yourself until your muscles fail you, until your will no longer carries you.  Keep track of your reps and times for these workouts, and then go back and do the workout again a few weeks later, challenging yourself to do better--to fail better.  The most important thing is to always push yourself harder, past what you think your limitation are, until you fail.  Then pick yourself back up and try to pass your new limitation.  Keep getting better, keep getting stronger.  Only you decide your limits.  

Fail better today,


Today I Will Fail Better Workout

Circuit #1
Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 6 rounds of 10 and 50 second intervals.  Rest for 10 seconds and work at your maximum intensity for 50 seconds.
Supergirl Plank
Kneeling Leg Lift
V-Splits on Dip Station

Tabata Jump Rope
Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 8 rounds of 10 and 20 second intervals.  Rest for 10 seconds and skip rope at your maximum intensity for 20 seconds.

Circuit #2
Set your interval timer for 6 rounds of 10 and 50 second intervals.
Up and Down Plank
One Legged Squat-Right Leg
One Legged Squat-Left Leg

Tabata Jump Rope
Set your interval timer for 8 rounds of 10 and 20 second intervals. 

Circuit #3
Set your interval timer for 6 rounds of 10 and 50 second intervals.

Burpee with Reptile Push Up
Side-to-Side V-Sit
Jump Lunge

The Exercises

Supergirl Plank
Start in the plank position, making sure to keep your core tight and hips lifted.  Making sure to keep your body in proper alignment, exhale and raise your right hand and left foot in the air parallel to the floor.  Inhale and return to plank.  Exhale and raise your left hand and right foot.  Inhale and return to plank.  Repeat, alternating hands and feet. 

Kneeling Leg Lift
Get on all fours, hands directly below your shoulders and knees directly below your hips.  Keep your core tight.  Keeping your knee bent, kickback your leg so that your foot reaches up to the ceiling.  Bring your knee back toward your chest, bringing your knee as close to your chest as you can.  Repeat. 

V-Splits on Dip Station
Hold yourself up on your dip station.  You can rest your toes on the floor, or for an added challenge keep your feet up off the floor the entire time.  Contracting your abs, lift your legs in a V.  Resist as you return to starting position.

Up and Down Plank
Start in a plank position.  Make sure your hands are under your shoulders, core is tight and hips lifted.  Now lower yourself, one arm at a time, down to your elbowsl.  Now lift yourself back up, one arm at a time, to plank.  Repeat as fast as you can while maintaining proper form.

One Legged Squat

Stand on one leg, contracting all of your standing leg muscles and your core for balance.  Extend the other leg and your arms for balance.  Lower your body as far as you can, sticking your butt back.  Pause for a moment and push up through your leg back to starting position.  If you need to you can hold onto the wall or a chair for support.

Burpee with Reptile Push-Up

Start in a standing position.  Lower yourself into a squat.  Jump back into plank.  Lower yourself into a push up while simultaneously bringing your right knee to your right elbow.  Lift your body back up into plank.  Jump up to a squat position.  Jump up, reaching toward the ceiing.  Repeat, alternating legs for the push up.

Side-to-Side V-Sit

Sit on the ground, bent knees and your torso slightly leaning back.  For an added challenge, you may lift your feet up off the floor.  Hold a dumbbell or a medicine ball in front of your chest.  Tighten your core and twist your torso to the right and then to the left.  Alternate sides as quickly as possible while maintaining proper form.

Jump Lunge
Stand in a lunge position, both legs at a 90 degree angle, and being sure not to extend your knees over your toes.  Place your hands on your hips and keep your core and legs tight.  Drive through your feet and jump up into the air.  Land as softly as possible with the opposite leg now in front.  Keep jumping, alternating legs, as fast as you can while maintaining proper form. 

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