Legs Made for Miniskirts Workout
Legs and Glutes Burnout
The Bikini Bombshell Workout
This 20 minute routine is a mix of bodyweight, resistance training and high intensity Tabata training that will sculpt every muscle in your legs and glutes as well as melt that layer of fat covering them up. Get that miniskirt out of the closet!
Legs and Glutes Burnout
This 8 minute Tabata routine will burn fat and make your legs and glutes hard as rock. Do this routine outside in the sunshine for a killer mood booster!
The Bikini Bombshell Workout
The Bikini Bombshell Workout focuses on your abs, core and back. In order to see those beautifully sculpted abs, you'll need to burn some fat as well, so there are three Tabata segments that will simultaneously work all of your beautiful muscles and melt fat!
Try and F*#! with Me Now Workout
Today I Will Fail Better Workout

Push yourself to your limits with this 26-minute HIIT/Tabata routine that will hit all of your muscles and melt fat.
Yoga Poses for Shoulders
Champion Workout
I Can Do Anything Workout

Get ready to work past your limits! You will need to dig deep and use every last ounce of willpower to finish this workout, and your pain will probably be rewarded with a mad rush of endorphins--at least that's how it was for me. ;)
If you can get through this routine, you truly can do anything!
This one took me 1 hour and 15 min...can you beat me?
Hurts So Good Workout
Use your pent up anger and frustrations as your fuel for this 20 minutes HIIT/Tabata routine and then let go of all those negative feelings when your done. Throughout your day, you'll think to yourself, If I could do this workout today, then I can handle anything. Try and F*#! with me now!
Today I Will Fail Better Workout

Push yourself to your limits with this 26-minute HIIT/Tabata routine that will hit all of your muscles and melt fat.
Yoga Poses for Shoulders
Combat the dreaded hunched shoulders with these feel-good yoga poses. These poses will open up your chest, improve your posture and give you beautiful, defined shoulders.
Champion Workout
This 20 minute HIIT/Tabata routine will sculpt all of your beautiful muscles: arms, legs, booty, and abs. Summer, here we come!
"Whatever challenges are before us, we will overcome them...because that is what champions do!"
-Michael Irwin

Get ready to work past your limits! You will need to dig deep and use every last ounce of willpower to finish this workout, and your pain will probably be rewarded with a mad rush of endorphins--at least that's how it was for me. ;)
If you can get through this routine, you truly can do anything!
This one took me 1 hour and 15 min...can you beat me?
Hurts So Good Workout
You're going to get Victoria's Secret abs with this workout that burns your abs nonstop! There is HIIT and Tabata training in this routine also, so not only will you sculpt your abs, but you'll burn the fat that is covering them!
Sexy Sculpt Workout
This HIIT/Tabata routine will sculpt your abs and give you sexy, toned arms. It will also blast fat and boost your metabolism! Don't expect this workout to easy, but expect it to be worth it!
Glute Blaster Workout
The Willpower Workout
To the Max Workout
This HIIT/Tabata routine will sculpt your abs and give you sexy, toned arms. It will also blast fat and boost your metabolism! Don't expect this workout to easy, but expect it to be worth it!
Glute Blaster Workout
Ready to blast those buns? I know you want a bikini worthy butt for the beach this summer! Check out this workout for a fat-blasting, glute-sculpting workout that uses high intensity interval training and Tabata to give you an awesome workout in only 26 minutes!
The Willpower Workout
Here is another 26-minute HIIT/Tabata routine to get you in fine ass shape for summer! Get ready to rock that bikini body, but you might need to muster some more willpower than usual for this workout. Good thing willpower is a muscle too, it gets stronger with practice...
To the Max Workout
This 26-minute workout will shape your legs, give your abs definition and sculpt your arms and shoulders. It will also help your balance, agility and speed. This is a mix of HIIT (High Intesity Interval Training) and Tabata. Amp your metabolism to the max!
This 26-minute workout is a combination of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and the Tabata Method. HIIT and Tabata are two of the most effective fat-burning, metabolism-accelerating types of workouts you can do, so if you are trying to amp up your fitness, this is the perfect workout for you!
I was extremely unfocused and unmotivated today so I mixed it up by setting my interval timer and making up my workout as I went along. It was actually a very fun way of mixing things up! And the workout wasn't bad either!
Work your upper body, lower body and core in this intense, extremely effective 10 minute workout!
A full-body workout in less than 10 minutes that will get your heart pumping. One-legged squats and burpees challenge you to your max!
Couple this workout with some good cardio, like a dance DVD, jump rope or a walk with your dog. This workout will make you stand up straighter while sculpting your abs!