
The Bikini Bombshell Workout

This workout is all about sculpting beautiful abs, strengthening your back,
and burning fat so you can see all of your hard work!

Hey Philosophers!

I'm baaack! I have been so sick this past week, and am not completely well yet!  I haven't been this sick in a while, and it was all in my lungs, so workouts were NOT an option.  In a way, I think it was a good thing because I had been working myself pretty hard, both with workouts and at life in general.  Sometimes your body will force you to take a break, whether you want to or not.  I definitely didn't want to take the break, but I'm glad I did.  I caught up on my sleep, and my muscles are rested and ready to get ripped again.

It can be hard to jump back into your routine after taking time off from your workouts.  The motivation isn't quite there like it was a couple weeks ago.  I feel my feet dragging.  My health isn't at 100% either.  I still have the sniffles and my allergies have been acting up too.  To be perfectly honest with you, I really don't feel like working out yet.  I wouldn't mind another week of rest, relaxation and sleep.  So the question is....What do you do when you really don't feel like working out?

I'll tell you what works for me and maybe it will help you when you need an extra push.  I'd really like to hear from you as well, and maybe you can help me.  For me, I have to talk myself into it.  I have to remind myself why.  It also helps that I have this blog.  I feel like I have an obligation to my readers to set an example.  Here are a few of my other tactics.

Look at Before Pictures
I have a few pictures I keep handy from my heavier days.  Everything about me is wider and rounder.  My cheeks are chubbier, my arms have zero tone, and my midsection is quite...volumptuous.  Then I look at my current photos.  I admire my toned arms and defined abs.  I love my apple bottom, sculpted shoulders and thinned out face.  I never want to go back to those before days again.  I love being healthy.  I love not dreading the dressing room.  I love looking forward to bikini season.  I need to remind myself of all this.

Remind Myself How I Felt When I Didn't Take Care of Myself Compared to How I Feel When I Do
When I'm looking at my old photos, I try to remember how I felt back then.  I was tired all the time.  I was depressed.  It was a challenge to get out of bed.  In fact, everything was a challenge because my body wasn't as strong.  Even bringing groceries in or doing housework was harder than it is now.  I didn't have the endurance and strength that I do now and many of my days and nights were spent lounging on the couch.  NOW, however, I look forward to activity.  I get restless when I sit for too long.  I love feeling strong and doing things.  I love being productive.  Most of the time (not last week, obviously) I feel like I'm ready to conquer the world and that is because I train my body.  I don't want to lose that feeling!

Remind Myself of the Benefits of Exercise 
Oh, the many benefits of exercise... Not only do I look better, or feel better, but by exercising I am doing so many good things for my body that will pay off years down the road.  All of my organs, especially my heart and lungs, are in killer shape.  My bones will be stronger longer.  Exercise is the absolute best medicine for depression and anxiety.  My stress levels are greatly reduced, and that alone will keep my living a longer, quality life.  Exercise reduces blood pressure and cholesterol.  Cancer is much less likely to survive in my body if I exercise.  Exercise also helps cognitive function, keeping my mind sharp for everyday tasks.  With all of these benefits, it is clear to me that if I want to be a success in life, and if I want to age gracefully, keeping a consistent exercise routine is 100% ESSENTIAL. 

Remind Myself of My Fitness Goals
I have accomplished a lot fitness-wise.  Dropping 40 lbs and kicking depression are massive achievements in themselves and have turned my life in a more positive direction.  That being said, I have many more goals to strive for.  Everyone's fitness goals are different, but I want you all to know that your goals don't have to stop with losing weight and looking better.  Now that I have lost weight, I want to step up my athletic skills.  There are all kinds of ways to challenge yourself further.  There are marathons and fun obstacle courses in the mud to sign up for.  You could compete in a figure competition.  You can push yourself to be able to do more advanced exercises.  I still can't do pull ups or the splits and I would love to be able to do both.  Looking better is just the beginning.  Push your body to do more and believe that with practice you can do anything!

Look to Role Models for Inspiration
I have a few hot ladies that I look to for inspiration when I'm lacking motivation.  I love to visit health and fitness blogs and read health magazines.  There are plenty of YouTube videos that can motivate you.  If you look to the right of this page, I have my favorite health books, DVDs and health blogs if you would like to steal some of my personal motivation!

So, Philosophers, these are my self-motivating tactics for the days that I don't wake up excited to work out.  I need to remind myself of certain things, focus my mind, and convince myself that it is all worth it.  Usually, if I just get started, I'm back in the groove before I even break a sweat!

Inspire yourselves today, Philosophers!


The Bikini Bombshell Workout
This workout is dedicated to my awesome nieces, Leah and Sarah.  Ask and you shall receive. :)
The Bikini Bombshell Workout focuses on your abs, core and back.  In order to see those beautifully sculpted abs, you'll need to burn some fat as well, so there are three Tabata segments that will simultaneously work all of your beautiful muscles and melt fat!


Circuit #1
Repeat this circuit twice
Superman Plank-25 alternating raises
Knee Raises-25 raises
Bicycle Crunch-50 crunches

Tabata: Up and Down Plank
Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 8 rounds of 10 and 20 second intervals.  Rest for 10 seconds and work at your hardest for 20 seconds.

Circuit #2
Repeat this circuit three times
Alternating Dumbbell Row--20 reps
Rear Lateral Raise--10 reps
Pullover with Dumbbells--12 reps

Tabata: High Knees
Set your timer for 8 rounds of 10 and 20 second intervals.

Circuit #3
Repeat this circuit twice
V-Sit with a Twist--25 twists
Plank with Leg Raises--25 leg raises
Windmill Crunch--25 reps

Tabata: Mountain Climbers
Set your timer for 8 rounds of 10 and 20 second intervals.

The Exercises

Superman Plank

Get in the plank position.  Keep your core tight.  Raise your right arm and left leg so they are parallel to the ground.  This is one rep.  Alternate sides.

Knee Raises
Using your dip station (or something else, like a countertop) for support, use your lower abs to raise your knees as high as possible.  This is one rep.

Bicycle Crunch

Lie on your back, knees bent at a 90 degree angle, hands behind your head.  Bring your right elbow to your left knee.  This is one rep.  Alternate sides.

Tabata: Up & Down Plank

Start in the plank position on your elbows.  Raise your body up into a push up position.  Lower yourself back down to your elbows.  Keep your core tight and your back straight throughout the movement.  This is one rep.

Alternating Dumbbell Row

Stand with your knees slightly bent and keep your back flat.  Hold a dumbbell in each hand (5-10 lbs.) and alternate drawing your elbows to the ceiling.

Rear Lateral Raise

Stand with your knees bent and keep your back flat.  Hold light weights in your hands.  Raise both arms out to the side so that your arms are parallel to the floor.  Lower back down to starting position.

Pullover with Dumbbells

Light on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.  You can use a bench or a stability ball for an added challenge.  Hold a 5-10 lb. weight with both hands above your head.  Resist the movement as you lower your weight behind your head to the floor.  Bring your hands back to starting position.

Tabata: High Knees

Stand tall.  Draw your knees, one at a time, to the ceiling as high and as fast as you can.  Use your lower abs to draw your knees up.

V-Sit with a Twist

Sit on the floor with your legs bent at a 45 degree angle, heels lightly touching the floor, and lean your upper torso back, contracting your abs.  Hold a weight for added resistance.  Twist your body from side to side, keeping your core tight.

Plank with Leg Raises

Start in a straight-armed plank position.  Keep your core tight and your back flat.  Alternate raising your legs up to the ceiling as high as you can while maintaining proper form.  Each leg lift is one rep.

Windmill Crunch

Lie on your back, arms to the side and your legs straight up in the air.  Resist as you lower your legs to one side, raise back up to center and lower to the other side.  Each time you lower your legs, it counts as one rep.

Tabata: Mountain Climbers
Get into a plank position.  Keep your core tight and your back flat.  Alternate drawing your knees into your chest as fast as you can while maintaining proper form.

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