Words that Describe the
PhilosophyFit Lifestyle:
Moderation balance Nutrition food-as-fuel Pleasure natural routine Simple habitual Movement nourishment Cleansing Rested Active Fun Energy Flexible Organized
Words that Do Not Describe the PhilosophyFit Lifestyle:
Restriction Deprivation Hunger Sedentary Painful Tired Stressful
I first attempted to lose weight and feel better for two years before I actually started to accomplish my goal. Since I was trying to be healthy the "right" way, I had to go through a learning curve and experience some trial and error. I eventually found that by changing my habits, a healthy lifestyle became routine and, therefore, simple and easy. It took me some time to decide which habits were the most important to adopt. I soon came to realize that I felt my best when I practiced the following eleven habits. They are small, simple actions that add up to big results.
My recommendation for you is to adopt one of these habits per week. Or if you need a little longer, then focus on one new habit every two weeks. Do what is best for who you are, but focus all of your energy on changing that one new habit. It will take about 4-6 weeks (per habit) for your focus and willpower to become a long-term change, but if you start today then in eleven weeks you can be well on your way to living a better lifestyle that is going to make you feel better than you have ever felt.
Incorporate each new habit into your life in the order I have presented them. I have put them in this order for a reason. I have been in your shoes, trying to do things that are good for me when I'm used to doing things that make you feel good NOW and worse later. I know how challenging and frustrating it is to try and fail repeatedly. I also know what it feels like to dig my heels in the ground, refuse to give up, and to accomplish my goals. Let me tell you, all of your hard work will be worth it. Not only because you will look better (even though you will) but because you will feel better physically, mentally, emotionally, and very possibly spiritually. Shedding pounds and an unhealthy lifestyle has a way of forcing you to dig deep inside of yourself and look at the person you have become. You have to face some of your demons, and once you do that, you will start to feel like a whole new person, lifted and lighter than you have been in years.
I put the simpler steps first. I know you can drink water every day for a week. That isn't hard. Buy a few water bottles, take them with you throughout your day and drink them! The second week, keep drinking your water, and now add a multi-vitamin to your diet. You can take other supplements as well, but you need to do your homework on what is right for you. I recommend taking a look at the book Prescription for Nutritional Healing. It's on my book shelf to the right of this post. When the third week comes, keep drinking water and taking your vitamins, and now start adding fruits and vegetables into your diet. No restriction here. I'm not telling you to take anything away (yet). I'm asking you to ADD to your diet. Continue this pattern while you work on adopting all eleven of these new habits. You are going to follow these habits for the rest of your life, and let me tell you, it isn't that hard to do. Do I still cheat a little here and there? Sure. I had chocolate cake this week. But I didn't gorge on it. I enjoyed something naughty and I loved it. But that chocolate cake didn't change the fact that 95% of the time I follow these eleven habits. That chocolate cake didn't throw me for a loop or send me spiraling back into all of my old bad habits. Moderation, people. It is all about moderation. You can enjoy anything in moderation and it won't do enough damage to make a difference.
I want you all to be balanced about living a healthy lifestyle. I want you to enjoy life, which means all of the food and physical activity this life provides us with. Food is good. Movement is good. And when you are in balance, you feel good. It really is simple once you get the hang of it.
Start today. Make sure you drink 3L of water today, tomorrow and every day for the rest of your life. Your body will thank you.
Drink 3L of water per day.
Take your vitamins.
Make sure you include important foods in your diet: superfoods and as many fruits and vegetables as possible.
Eat protein and vegetables with every meal.
Stop eating when you feel satisfied but not yet full.
Absolutely no diet soda, sugar-free or fat-free foods, Splenda or any kind of artificial sweetener. Eat small portions of the full-fat, full-calorie version instead.
Seriously limit the amounts of processed, packaged foods you eat. If you must eat them, eat small portions.
Don't allow 3 days to go by without a workout. Daily is best. Every other day is good.
Stretch everyday.

Practice perfect posture.

Practice perfect posture.
Do your best to get 8 hours of sleep a night.