

My name is Monica and I am a recovering hedonist.  A pleasure lover.  Lover of food, travel, relaxation, chocolate, cookies, pizza, wine, whiskey, vodka..anything that makes me feel good, and usually in great excess.  Unfortunately, all of the things I love(d) only got me to my Before picture above.  I ended up feeling depressed and lethargic instead of wild and free, like I had in the beginning.  So I decided to change.  I took some time to examine my life, my habits, and my relationships.  I started working out, making consistency my priority.  I started cooking healthier foods and eating smaller portions.  I drank more water, took my vitamins and re-introduced fruits and vegetables into my life.  I said goodbye to fast food and processed junk (for the most part).  I said hello to moderation (what a concept!).  I was determined to get my life back and I was determined to do it in the healthiest way possible.  No fad diets for me.  No gimmicks.  Just plain old common sense: Eat right and exercise.  Was it easy?  No.  Did I slip up?  Yes.  Do I still slip up here and there?  Yes.  But for the most part I feel amazing.  I kicked depression, I have energy and motivation, and turns out I LOVE being disciplined because it makes me feel freer than a wild night of partying ever did.  Discipline freed me from myself and the constraints of my own mind.

This is an updated After photo, a few months after the one above.

I started this blog to help myself stay inspired.  Now that I have reached my goals, the challenge is to keep all of these habits going so that I don't turn into the typical American Yo-Yo Dieter.  My hope is that the people who need me will find me, work out with me and cook with me.  My greatest hope is that I can inspire others to live a better life by taking care of their most prized possession: their own body.

Thanks for visiting my blog!  I hope you come back soon!

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