
Final Workout of BodyRock Week!

Hi FitPhilosophers!

This is the final workout of BodyRock Week!  I'm really glad I got to catch up on some of Zuzana and Freddy's workouts!  I don't know about you, but my body is feeling it!  I'm looking forward to a couple days of rest! 

This week was a great reminder to mix up your workouts.  Never give your body a chance to get bored, or for your workouts to get easy.  Always keep it fresh, mix it up, and make it hurt.  Your body will thank you!   

I have a few different workouts that I keep going back to: hiking, yoga, BodyRock, and the DVDs to the right of this post.  Having a variety of workouts that you actually enjoy will keep you from getting bored and keep your body from hitting a plateau.  What workouts do you enjoy?  What gets you moving on days when you really don't want to workout?

Well, here is the link to the Not Afraid Workout and the video is below.  Zuzana and Freddy wrote a pretty inspirational post to go along with this workout as well, so I hope you read it.  

I'll be back on Wednesday with a new PhilosophyFit routine, so I will see you then!  We are going to rest for two days after these brutal workouts.  Watch your body transform over the next 48 hours as it rebuilds muscle. :)

See you Wednesday!


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