
To the Max Workout

Hi everyone!

I have a new workout for you today!  This is another High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)/Tabata Workout that will burn major calories and amp your metabolism to the max!!  This workout will shape your legs, sculpt your abs, tone your shoulders, give you speed and agility and work all of those fast-twitch muscle fibers that improve your overall athletic performance!  Do all of these HIIT/Tabata workouts this week for some serious improvement in your physique! 

Now, a quick word about the scale...  I started this week 5 lbs. lighter than I was this morning, however I look smaller than I did at the beginning of the week.  My abs are popping out a bit and I notice some new definition in my arms.  Those 5 lbs. definitely do NOT belong in the "Fat" category.  It's all muscle, baby!  So I want you to remember this for yourself.  If you are eating how you know you should and following these workouts, chances are you might gain weight this week, but it is the kind of weight that you WANT!  Muscle will burn more fat and calories for you throughout the day.  Muscle takes up more room than fat in your body, so don't freak out when you look down at the scale and the number is going up.  Expect it and LOVE IT!

One other thing for you to ponder today...  I took two days off between this workout and the last one when I didn't intend to.  For one thing, my body needed one day to rest, and you should always always always listen to your body.  The second day I was simply too busy.  But today I had to make the time.  If you follow the Philosophy, then you know one of my guidelines is to never let more than three days go by without a workout, so I knew if I wanted to follow my rule and see some serious results this week, I had better find some time for myself.  This is simply an example from my life that illustrates how you can try to balance it all.  I have a business that is in the midst of expansion right now, which can be exciting but also a little stressful.  On those days when I am busy and stressed, those are the days I need my workout the most. 

Exercise isn't just for your body, it is also for your peace of mind.

Hope you enjoy this workout today.  Push yourself to your max and reap the rewards!


To the Max Workout

HIIT Circuit #1
Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 2 intervals of 10 and 50 seconds, and 6 rounds.  You will rest for 10 seconds and then push yourself as hard as you can for 50 seconds.  You will do each exercise 2 times.
1. Lunge Kick-Up (right leg)
2. Lunge Kick-Up (left leg)
3. Burpees

Tabata Jump Rope
Set your interval timer for 10 and 20 second intervals and 8 rounds.  Rest for 10 seconds and then jump rope as fast and hard as you can for 20 seconds.  I like to alternate moderate skipping with high knees to mix it up and keep it interesting.

HIIT Circuit #2
Set your timer for 10/50 intervals, 6 rounds.  You will do each exercise 3 times.
1. Bicycle Crunch
2. Spiderman Push-Up

Tabata Jump Rope
Set your timer for 10/20 intervals, 8 rounds.

HIIT Circuit #3
Set your timer for 10/50 intervals, 6 rounds.  You will do each exercise twice.
1. Santana Lift
2. Toe Touch Crunch
3. Pike Press

The Exercises

Lunge Kick-Up
Start standing up straight.  Step back into a lunge position.  Lower your knee almost to the floor, but don't touch the floor.  Use your front leg to drive your body back up to standing and kick your back leg up in front of you as high as you comfortably can, using your abs.  This is one rep.

Burpees with a Push-Up
Start in a standing position.  Jump down into a low squat and quickly jump back into plank and lower your body into a push-up.  Push back up into plank, jump back up into the squat and then jump as high as you can in the air.  This is one rep.

Bicycle Crunch
Lie on the floor with your legs extended out in front of you and hands lightly supporting your head.  Contracting your abs, simultaneously bring your left knee to your right elbow and exhale.  This is one rep.  Alternate each side, going as fast as you can while maintaining proper form.

Spiderman Push-Up
For the advanced, start in a plank position.  If you are more of a beginner, you can bring your knees to the floor.  Inhale and simultaneously lower your body to the floor while bringing your right knee as close to your elbows as possible while maintaining good form (back straight, core tight, hips lifted).  Exhale and push your body back up into the starting position.  This is one rep.  Alternate your knees and go as quickly as possible without sacrificing form.

Santana Lift
Get into a plank position.  Twist to one side and lift one arm high into the air.  Keep your core tight and your body straight.  Lower back down into plank.  This is one rep.  Alternate sides as quickly as possible without sacrficing form.

Toe Touch Crunch
Lie on your back and extend your legs straight up in the air.  Contracting your abs, exhale and lift your torso, reaching your hands toward your feet.  Inhale and lower back down.  This is one rep.

Pike Press
Get into a plank position, but walk your legs up closer to your body, below your hips, and spread your legs.  Now inhale and lower your upper body to the ground.  Exhale and push your body back up.  This is one shoulder-sculpting rep!

Monica's Scores
Lunge Kick-Up (right leg): 21, 15
Lunge Kick-Up (left leg): 17, 15
Burpees: 8, 8
Bicycle Crunch: 60, 46, 50
Spiderman Push-Up (on my knees): 12, 15, 10
Santana Lift: 21, 23
Toe Touch Crunch: 20, 20
Pike Press: 10, 11

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