
Glute Blaster Workout

Hi guys!

I have a new workout for you today!  We are going to focus on our glutes today, so they are in prime condition for the summertime.  We are also going to focus on consistency this week, and all the weeks to come.  Whether it be a 10-minute or an hour-long workout, be consistent!  Consistency is what will bring you results.  In that vein,  I'll be trying something new on PhilosophyFit.com.  I will now have a weekly workout schedule available to you.  For this week, I will be providing you with three high intensity interval training/Tabata workouts.  There will be two days for you to choose workouts that you enjoy and then two days of rest and recovery and the end of the schedule.  On the "Your Choice" days, choose something you look forward to, or something new that you have always wanted to try.  Your workouts don't need to leave you breathless.  You can choose a pleasant, moderately-paced workout on these two days, like a brisk walk or yoga.  I have included my four favorite workout DVDs at the end of the Workout Schedule if you would like to try them.  Then enjoy your rest and recovery days.  Don't feel guilty for not working out.  Acknowledge that you NEED your recovery days because it is on these days that your muscles rebuild.  Your body will look better after these two days of rest than they did all week!  I hope you accept my challenges this week and workout along with me!  Let's get ready for summer, baby!

Stay focused and strong,


Glute Blaster Workout

Circuit #1-Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 6 rounds of 10 and 50 second intervals.  Rest for 10 seconds and work at your highest intensity for 50 seconds.
1. Squat Reach 'n Throw
2. Side Lunge with Floor Tap
3. Up and Down Plank

Tabata Jump Rope-Set your interval timer for 8 rounds of 10 and 20 second intervals.  Rest for 10 seconds and jump rope at your highest intensity for 20 seconds.

Circuit #2-Set your timer for 6 rounds of 10 and 50 second intervals.
1. Side to Side Push Up
2. Sumo Squat with High Knee

Tabata Jump Rope-Set your timer for 8 rounds of 10 and 20 second intervals.

Circuit #3-Set your timer for 6 rounds of 10 and 50 second intervals.
1. Windmill Crunch
2. Kickback on Hands 'n Knees
3. Straight Leg Pullover Crunch

The Exercises

Squat Reach 'n Throw
Stand straight and tall, shoulders hip width apart.  You can use a medicine ball for an extra challenge.  Squat down and touch the ball to the floor on your right side.  As you stand up twist to your left side and raise the ball up in the air behind you.  Come back to your starting position.  Repeat, alternating sides.

Side Lunge with Floor Tap
Stand straight and tall, feet wider than shoulder width apart.  You may use a medicine ball for an extra challenge.  Lunge to your right side, touching the medicine ball to the floor.  Staying low, lunge to the left and touch the ball to the floor.  Keep repeating, alternating legs.

Up and Down Plank
Get into a plank position, on your elbows.  Raise yourself up onto your hands.  Now lower yourself back onto your elbows.  Keep repeating.

Side to Side Push Up
Get into the push up position.  Lower yourself down to the floor.  Raise yourself back up into the starting position.  Walk your body one step to the right.  Do one push up.  Walk your body one step to the left.  Do one push up.  Keep repeating.

Sumo Squat with High Knees
Get into a starting squat position with wide legs.  You may hold a medicine ball for an added challenge.  Squat down, without letting your knees extend over your toes.  Raise your body up and simultaneously lift your arms above your head and your right knee up toward the ceiling.  Lower back into a squat and when you raise up, lift your arms and your opposite leg up toward the ceiling.  Keep alternating legs.

Windmill Crunch
Lie flat on your back, legs straight in the air, arms out to side for support.  Contracting your abs, lower your legs to the left.  Use your abs to raise your legs back up to starting position.  Now lower your legs to the right.  Keep alternating sides.

Kickback on Hands 'n Knees
Start on your hands and knees, hands below your shoulders and knees below your hips.  Contract your abs.  Tighten your glutse and kick your right leg up toward the ceiling then bring your knee to your chest.  Alternate legs.

Straight Leg Pullover Crunch
Lie on your back, legs extended in front of your and your arms extended behind your head and holding light weights.  Contracting your abs, lift your legs straight up in the air and bring your hands toward your feet.  Lower to starting position.

Monica's Scores:
PS...This workout was BRUTAL for me today!
Squat Reach 'n Throw: 26, 28
Side Lunge with Floor Tap: 37, 44
Up and Down Plank: 22, 25
Side to Side Push Up (on my knees): 15, 12, 12
Sumo Squat with High Knees: 25, 26, 25
Windmill Crunch: 26, 26
Kickback on Hands 'n Knees: Right-28, Left-25
Straight Leg Pullover Crunch: 17, 15

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