
Short-but-Intense Time Challenge

My workout today was short but intense.  It will leave you short of breath but you'll get a full body workout in less than ten minutes.  The perfect workout for those short-on-time days!

Make sure to do a 5 minute warm up before the workout and a 5 minute cool down and stretch afterward.  Now set that timer and try to beat my time!

The Workout:

Do this circuit 5 times, as fast as you possibly can. (See below on instructions for each exercise)

-5 one-legged squats on the right leg
-5 one-legged squats on the left leg
-5 burpees

My time was 7 min and 55 seconds.  Let me know how you did in the comments!


One-Legged Squats

Stand on your left leg and extend your right leg out in front of you.  Extend both arms toward your toes.  It is extremely important to tighten all the muscles in your left leg and brace your abs for balance and proper form.  Maintaining your form, squat down as low as you can go and then push back up to starting position. This is one rep.
For Beginners:  One-legged squats are an advanced exercise.  If you are a beginner and need to work up to the advanced version, start by lowering yourself into a chair.  If you can't keep your balance, it is ok to hold onto something for support.  Just do your best.  You'll get there!


Start in a standing position.  Squat down and touch hands to floor.  Jump back into plank position.  Keeping your abs tight and without lowering your hips, do one push up.  Jump back into the squat position.  From the squat position, raise your hands over your head and jump up.  Return to standing position.  This is one rep.

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