
Champion Workout

The view behind my shop.  It's a beautiful day in Washington!

Hi Philosophers!

It is a beautiful Sunday here in the Pacific Northwest!  The sun is shining and the air is warm, which you would know is a miracle in and of itself if you lived here.  The sun seems to be pulling all of us Washingtonians outdoors today.  I find myself wanting to go on a walk or a hike instead of going through my HIIT/Tabata routine, but I have to remind myself that this Champion Workout will do more for my body than a hike or a walk will.  I'm in serious training mode right now since I am getting ready for summer and wanting to be in A+ shape once I am officially certified as a trainer.  So I will compromise with myself and do this routine in my backyard.  It can be invigorating to workout outside in the fresh air and I suggest you all try it! 

Even I have my days when I would rather skip my workout...like today.  I would much rather take a nap in the sun that I haven't seen in a while. :)  When I need a little oomph to get me going I remind myself of my goals, look to a role model for inspiration and tell myself that I am a Champion, and a Champion would do their workout!

"Whatever challenges are before us, we will overcome them...because that is what champions do!" -Michael Irwin

Be a champion today!


Champion Workout

Circuit #1-Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 4 rounds of 10 and 50 second intervals.  Rest for 10 seconds, then work at your maximum intensity for 50 seconds.
1. Spiderman Push Ups
2. Jump Squats with 3 pulses

Tabata Mountain Climbers-Set your timer for 8 rounds of 10 and 20 second intervals.  Rest for 10 seconds then work at your maximum intensity for 20 seconds.

Circuit #2-Set your timer for 4 rounds of 10 and 50 seconds.
1. Jump Tucks
2. Reverse Push Up with Leg Lift

Tabata Mountain Climbers-Set your timer for 8 rounds of 10 and 20 seconds.

Circuit #3-Set your timer for 4 rounds of 10 and 50 second intervals.
1. Side-to-Side V Sit
2. Jump Lunge

The Exercises

Spiderman Push Ups
Start in a plank position, arms directly beneath your shoulders, weight on your toes, back straight and abs tight.  Inhale and simultaneously lower your chest to the floor and bring your right knee to your right elbow.  Exhale and raise your body back up to starting position.  Repeat, alternating legs.

Jump Squats with 3 Pulses
Stand tall with your hands behind your head.  Inhale and lower your body into a squat, going as low as you can go.  Make sure not to extend your knees over your toes.  In the lowered squat position, lift and lower three times in a small pulsing action.  Now exhale as you power up into a jump.  Land softly on your feet and repeat.

Mountain Climbers
Start in a plank position, arms directly beneath your shoulders, weight on your toes, back straight and core tight.  Bring one knee as close to your chest as possible.  Return to plank, then repeat movement with opposite leg.  Do this movement as quickly as you can while maintaining proper form.

Jump Tucks
Slightly bend your knees, then use your arms and legs to power up into a jump.  Jump as high as you can, bringing your knees as high as possible.  Make sure to land softly.  Repeat.

Reverse Push Ups with Leg Lift
Hang from your dip station, looking up at the ceiling with knees bent at a 90 degree angle.  Exhale and pull your body toward the ceiling.  Inhale and lower your body down and lift one leg straight up in the air, making sure to contract your abs.  Repeat, alternating legs.

Side-to-Side V Sit
Sit on your bum with your legs bent at a 45 degree angle and feet a few inches up off the floor.  You can use a medicine ball or dumbbell for an added challenge or you don't need to use any resisitance if you are a beginner.  Keep your core tight and rotate your torso from side to side, tapping the floor.  Each tap counts as one rep. 

Jump Lunge
Start in a lunge position (A) making sure not to extend your knee over your toe.  Keep your abs tight and push up off the floor, jumping as high as you can and landing softly in the lunge position with your legs in the opposite position.  Keep repeating, alternating, as fast as you can while maintaining proper form.

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