
The Willpower Workout

Hi everyone!
I have a new workout for you today!  After this week of workouts, my muscles were already sore, even with the days off inbetween.  It took all of my willpower to get through this workout!  I will say that the jump roping was significantly easier for me today.  The 8 rounds were over before I knew it!  Just goes to show....keep at it and amazing changes will happen in your body!  These HIIT/Tabata workouts will challenge your body to it's max and you will be ready for your bikini this summer!  I guarantee it!  So stick with me, because I will be giving you 3 High Intenstity Interval Training and Tabata workouts every week.  Just 3 26-minute workouts a week and you will see dramatic changes in your body!  You will be toned, defined and the fat will melt away.  Make sure to follow the nutrition elements of PhilosophyFit to support your training, because if you are eating like crap then all the working out in the world won't do anything for you.  And feel free to do a lighter workout like walking or yoga or whatever you love on the days inbetween the HIIT/Tabata routines.  
Happy training!

The Willpower Workout

Circuit #1-Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 6 rounds of 10 and 50 second intervals.  Rest for 10 seconds and work at your maximum intensity for the 50 second interval.
1. Reverse Push Up
2. Frog Jump

Tabata Jump Rope-Set your interval timer for 8 rounds of 10 and 20 second intervals.  Rest for 10 seconds and skip at your max intensity for 20 seconds.

Circuit #2-Set your timer for 6 rounds of 10 and 50 second intervals.
1. Pendulum Swing
2. One-Legged Squat (right leg)
3. One-Legged Squat (left leg)

Tabata Jump Rope-Set your timer for 8 rounds of 10 and 20 second intervals.

Circuit #3-Set your timer for 6 rounds of 10 and 50 second intervals.
1. Plank
2. Clamshell (right leg)
3. Clamshell (left leg)

The Exercises

Reverse Push Up
Get into the position shown above with your dip station.  If you do not have a dip station, you can use 2 chairs to hold up a broom handle and hang from the broom.  Now inhale and lower your body until your arms are straight.  Exhale and lift your body up to starting position.  This is one rep.

Frog Jump
Start in a squat position.  Use your arms to prople your body upward in a jump as high as you can.  Land softly on your feet.  This is one rep.

Pendulum Swing
Start in a downward dog pose.  Contract your abs and swing one leg out to the side.  As your leg comes back to the floor lift your other leg and swing it out to the side.  Each time you lift your leg counts as one rep.

One-Legged Squat
Stand on one leg with your other leg out in front of you.  Contract your abs and all of the muscles in your standing leg.  You must contract all of your muscles to keep your balance.  If this is too challenging for you you can hold onto the wall or a chair.  Inhale and lower your body as low as you can but make sure not to extend your knee over your toe.  Now exhale and raise your body back up, pushing through your heel.  This is one rep.

If you are a beginner you may start on your elbows, and if you are more advanced you can keep your arms straight (the push up position).  Hold this pose for as long as you can, contracting all of your core muscles.  Remember to breathe deeply!

Lie on your side, hand beneath your head, knees bent.  If you would like more of a challenge, you may lift your feet up off of the floor.  Exhale and raise your knee up towards the ceiling.  Inhale and lower your knee.  This is one rep.

Monica's Scores
Reverse Push Up: 16, 14, 14
Frog Jump: 23, 20, 24
Pendulum Swing: 54, 31
One-Legged Squat (right leg): 8, 9
One-Legged Squat (left leg): 10, 12
Plank: 45 sec, 50 sec
Clamshell (right leg): 25, 29
Clamshell (left leg): 27, 32

Click Here to buy your dip station.

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