
I Can Do Anything Workout

Hi Philosophers!

Are you ready for today's workout?  This workout is organized a little differently than previous workouts, as we are not doing HIIT or Tabata in this routine.  This workout is a time challenge, so your goal is to complete this workout as fast as you can.  You can compete with me on this one, as I will have my score up by the end of the day.  This routine will work every muscle in your body--arms, shoulders, every leg and glute muscle, and definitely your core and your abs!  You might have to get into your head a little to finish this one.  Focus and talk yourself through it.  If you can complete this workout today, then you can do anything!  That is what I tell myself when I want to stop or take a break.  I push, and I tell myself I can do it.  I think of anyone who has ever doubted me and my ability, or tried to talk down to me.  I harness any kind of anger or bad feeling I'm holding within myself and I sweat it out.  My workouts are my therapy, and by the end of the routine, my endorphins have kicked in and I'm feeling unstoppable!  Hey, it's cheaper than a shrink. ;-P  So when you want to quit, just repeat today's mantra: I can do anything, I can do anything, I can do anything.  And you will.  If I can do it, you can do it.  I have faith in you!

Enjoy the burn,


PS  Part #3 is made up of exercises from Brazil Butt Lift, one of my favorite workout DVDs.  You will get the booty of your dreams with these videos, so if you want to check out the program, there is a link to the right under my "Favorite Workout DVDs."

I Can Do Anything Workout

Part #1-Repeat 3x
20 Burpees with Spiderman Push Up
5 One-Legged Squats--Left Leg
5 One-Legged Squats--Right Leg

Part #2-Repeat 3x
50 Santana Plank Twist
25 V Leg Lifts on Dip Bar
50 Scissor Kicks

Part #3-Repeat 2x
25 each leg of the Curtsy Lunge
25 each leg of Kneeling Diagonal Rainbow
25 each leg of Kneeling Cross Kick Ups

The Exercises

Burpee with Spiderman Push Up

Start standing tall, squat down, jump back into plank, do one push up bringing your right knee to your right elbow as you lower yourself down, jump back up into a squat position, jump up into the air.  Repeat, alternating legs.

One-Legged Squat
Start standing on one leg, with both arms and one leg out in front of you for balance.  Tighten every muscle in your body, especially your core and standing leg.  If you need added support you may touch the wall or hold onto the back of a chair.  Lower yourself down as low as you can go.  If you can't make it all the way to the floor, it's ok, just do the best you can.  Push yourself back up into the starting position.

Santana Plank Twist

Start in the plank position, keeping your core tight.  Turn your body so that you are in a side plank with one arm reaching to the ceiling.  Come back to plank and bring your right leg to your left elbow, and then your left knee to your right elbow.  Return to plank and repeat on the opposite side. 

V Leg Lifts on Dip Bar
Hold your body up on the dip bar.  For beginner to intermediate, you may place your feet on the floor.  For advanced, you may keep your feet up off the floor throughout the entire exercises.  Using your core for this movement, lift both legs up into a wide V.  Hold for a moment and return to starting position.

Scissor Kicks
Lie on your back, hands beneath your glutes to protect your tailbone, and legs extended in front of you about 6 inches to a foot off the floor.  Keep your core contracted.  As quickly as you can without sacrificing form, kick your right leg over your left, and then kick your left leg over your right.  Continue alternating legs.

Curtsy Lunge
Stand on your left foot with your right foot extended out to the side and hands crossed overhead.  Step your right foot behind your left foot at an angle behind you, turning your left foot out from the hip and placing the weight onto the heel of your left foot.  Bend both knees into a "curtsey," lowering your arms on either side of your thigh in an arcing motion.  Then push off your left foot, back to the starting position and touching your right toes out to the right.  Repeat, alternating sides.

Kneeling Diagonal Rainbow
Get on all fours with knees under hips, elbows under shoulders and palms on the floor.  Pull in your abs, draw your shoulder blades onto your back and lengthen your spine.  Reach your left arm out to the side and balance on your fingers for support.  Extend your right leg straight out to the side as far as you can, keeping your hips even.  Touch your toes to the floor, then lift the leg up straight.  Continue moving the leg back through an arc-like movement, and touch the toes to the ground as you cross the right leg behind the left.  Repeat arc movements and then switch sides.

Kneeling Cross Kick Ups
Get onto all fours with knees under hips, elbows under shoulders and palms on the floor.  Pull in your abs, draw your shoulder blades onto your back and lengthen your spine.  Reach your left arm out to the side and balance on your fingers for support.  With a bent knee, lift your right leg behind you, keeping your thigh in line with your shoulder as you flex your foot and squeeze your right buttocks.  Cross your right knee back behind your left knee, then press the foot back up to the ceiling as you squeeze the butt.  Slowly pull your knee into your chest to stretch the buttocks then press back up to the ceiling.  Repeat then switch sides.

Monica's Time: 1 hour, 15 min, 30 sec
Ok, I just have to say, I had no idea this workout would take so long!  I knew this workout would be a challenge, but damn I did not expect that! I would like to say I'm sorry and You're welcome. :)  Sometimes accidents turn into something wonderful and that is what this workout was for me.  I started out listening to dance music to pump me up.  About halfway through the workout I was cussing at myself in the mirror for putting myself through something so painful and I turned the music to some young and angry Eminem.  I actually started repeating I can do anything, just to keep myself going.  And then something amazing happened.  In the very last set of Kneeling Cross Kick Ups when my muscles were breaking down and I didn't think I could do one more rep, a sudden rush of endorphins flooded throughout my body and all of the pain went away.  I did the last ten reps with a goofy grin on my face.  So, I'm sorry that you are about to go through this torture called the I Can Do Anything Workout, but I promise you it is worth it.

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